Which Procedure Is Right For You?

The average dental patient, one who goes in for timely checkups and practices good oral hygiene habits at home can expect to have a regular dental cleaning otherwise known as a prophylaxis, as a part of that scheduled exam.

During the procedure, your dental hygienist will use her tools to remove any plaque or tartar that has collected on your teeth since your last cleaning, floss between each tooth and finish off by polishing them with a pleasantly flavored (your choice) gel or paste. Although this is clearly the type of cleaning that most patients are familiar with, those of us who suffer from an intermediate stage of gum disease will need an alternative method.

A periodontal scaling and root planing, aka a deep cleaning, goes a few steps further. In these cases, the hygienist will go under the gumline to clean out the bacteria that has collected in the spaces left as a result of receding gum tissue which is a prime consequence of periodontitis. The treatment will call for a local anesthetic but can be done over two or more appointments.

For those of you who have some catching up to do as far as regular professional care is concerned your new dentist may do what is known as an debridement to remove heavy plaque and tartar buildup so that he can get a clearer picture of your overall dental health.

Stonegate Dental Care is prepared to offer the services that are most specific to your family’s needs. Call today @ 720-851-7069 in Parker, CO.

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Your Tongue Is Important Too

Have you ever wondered why your doctor may ask you to stick out your tongue as part of a routine examination? A coating of white on your tongue tells your doctor, or dentist, that a collection of bacteria and dead cells have accumulated there. A coated tongue can be the result of dry mouth, dehydration or fever but one of the most common causes is a lack of proper dental hygiene.

In order to prevent debris and bacteria from forming a coating over your tongue, you have to keep it clean. It’ not enough to just swipe it a couple of times after you brush, you have to pay as much attention to your tongue as you do your teeth as a regular part of your home care regimen. Dentists advise that you use a separate toothbrush to clean your tongue. There is an over the market product, a tongue scraper, that is made especially for the purpose. Spreading toothpaste over the tongue before scraping can help kill bacteria and an occasional antibacterial rinse can help to eliminate any bad breath that may remain after scraping.

If you brush your teeth every day, twice a day but you don’t give much thought to your tongue you may be fighting a losing battle since the bacteria left on your tongue will transfer back onto your teeth.

Being diligent about home care along with having regular professional cleanings will help in maintaining a clean and healthy mouth. Make your appointment with Stonegate Dental Care today, call 720-851-7069.

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What’s Causing The Problem?

What are some of the factors that could put some people at higher risk than others for oral disease? If you had more than your share of cavities in your childhood years the tendency will more than likely carry over into adulthood. It may simply be a matter of genetics in your case.

Lifestyle is another consideration. The more sugar you consume, for instance, the more at risk you will become. Harmful oral bacteria feed on the sugars from the foods that you eat and produces the acid that deteriorates your tooth enamel. Poor dietary habits contribute to your risk for oral disease.

Receding gums expose the under layers of your teeth leaving them open to infection and decay. If you notice an increased sensitivity to cold or hot foods or drinks, consult with your dentist, you may be experiencing early symptoms of gum disease.

Probably the most obvious of all things that could put you at high risk for oral disease is the lack of home and professional dental care. You should be brushing your teeth twice a day for a full two minutes at a time and flossing after meals and snacks. If it’s been awhile since you’ve seen a dentist, get back on track asap.

Stonegate Dental Care provides cutting edge technology in a warm and friendly environment. Call today @ 720-851-7069 in Parker, CO.

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Steps To Fresher Breath

Are you worried about what could be causing your chronic bad breath? You’ve probably determined by now that it’s more than a temporary episode brought on by something you have eaten so the next step is to find the real source of the problem.

Halitosis is often the odor from bacteria that has been left on your teeth or tongue. The first step is to upgrade your routine for home dental care. You may be brushing and flossing but are you using the right kind of toothpaste or mouthwash? A toothpaste that contains baking soda can work to get rid of bad breath but the formula has to be right, ask your dental hygienist for recommendations.

Sometimes you can bring it on yourself, not by what you have to eat or drink but because of your habits. Now you have even more of an incentive to quit smoking. Not only does tobacco use put you at higher risk for infection and disease but it also leaves a telltale odor.

A dry mouth is a breeding ground for the bacteria that causes bad breath. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, limit your consumption of adult beverages and if you do use mouthwash pick one that is alcohol-free. Sugar-free chewing gum can increase your flow of saliva.

Don’t hesitate to ask your dental hygienist about other ways to keep your mouth free of the bacteria that could lead to bad breath. Call Stonegate Dental Care today @ 720-851-7069 in Parker, CO.

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Are You Hesitant To Smile?

Some recent studies have shown that a good percentage of the adult population of this country aren’t happy with the smile that they see in the mirror every day. That is somewhat surprising considering the wide range of cosmetic dental procedures that are commonly available today.

Dental inlays and onlays are used to restore teeth that have been moderately damaged by decay or have lost strength and shape because of it. A composite bonding material that can be formulated to match the color of the natural teeth is one more way to repair chips and cracks on a tooth’s surface.

A dental veneer is attached to the front of a tooth that has been chipped, cracked or severely stained, it can also be used to fill in the gaps between front teeth giving the patients a more even smile.

Teeth whitening is more popular than ever. It can be done in the dentist’s office or he can supply a custom-made system that the patient can use in the privacy of his own home. The patient will need to follow up with proper home and professional care.

Implants have given denture wearers another choice. Surgically implanted titanium posts can be inserted into the jawbone to hold the denture firmly in place and allow the patient to feel more confident in both social and business situations.

If you are dissatisfied with your smile share your concerns with Dr. Rentz of Stonegate Dental Care in Parker, CO. Call 720-851-7069 today.

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Healthy Choices

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop? If you care at all about your teeth you won’t try to find out. Sucking on a hard piece of candy for any length of time exposes your teeth to way too much sugar and then when you get to the piece of gooey chocolate underneath – well, that’s just a double whammy.

You may be seriously dedicated to taking care of your teeth by brushing and flossing as you should and seeing your dentist and hygienist at regularly scheduled intervals but there’s one aspect that you may have overlooked. Diet is a big factor in the maintenance of your oral health.

We know by now that sugary and acidic foods and drinks are the bad guys and that those foods that contain calcium and vitamin D are the heroes when it comes to our dental health. There are some foods on a list for either side however, that may surprise you.

Oranges are acidic it’s true, but the vitamin C in oranges works to reduce the redness and swelling of gum disease. You can prevent the ill effects by rinsing with sparkling water.

It’s not the chewing that hurts your teeth it’s the sugar in the gum that you are chewing. In fact, the basic act of chewing encourages the production of your saliva which helps to wash away harmful bacteria. Dentists often recommend sugarless gum to patients who suffer from chronic dry mouth.

Make your next appointment with Stonegate Dental today. Call 720-851-7069 in Parker, CO.

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