Dental implants have become a popular choice for tooth replacement among the adult population. An implant is as close as it comes to having your natural tooth back and is an option for anyone with a strong enough bone structure and whose general health is good.

The titanium implant that serves as the root of the artificial tooth is surgically installed. The procedure will require a healing period during which time the implant will bond to the jawbone. The final step in the process will be to attach the permanent crown. After that and with proper care, the new tooth should last over time.

If you have lost a tooth to decay you may have neglected some of the basic steps to good oral health. Now is the time to change all that. The same habits that applied to the maintenance of your natural teeth are also appropriate to your implant. Brush gently twice a day and floss at least once for the best results.

See your dentist on a regular basis. Complications are unlikely but it is possible for an implant to come loose which could leave you vulnerable to infection. Six month checkups can insure that any issues will be detected right away.

If you are considering a single implant or if you need to replace more than one tooth consult with Dr. Rentz of Stonegate Dental Care. Call the office @ 720-851-7069 today.

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