Some Symptoms Shouldn’t Be Ignored

If you are diligent about following a home regimen for good oral health and if you make regular appointments for professional six month checkups and cleanings you have no doubt earned accolades from your dentist and hygienist.  No matter how dedicated you are however, an issue may arise that will need immediate professional attention, one that can’t be ignored or put off until your next scheduled visit with your dentist.

Gums should not bleed from normal brushing and flossing.  Bleeding gums is often a significant symptom of gingivitis which is an infection that is brought about by the bacterial plaque that sticks to your teeth.  It can be a forerunner to serious gum disease.  Gingivitis can be contained or even defeated merely by changing your diet or switching to a specially formulated toothpaste or mouthwash.  The important thing is to get treatment asap.

Pain is the body’s way of letting us know that something is wrong.  Your toothache could indicate tooth decay which if left to fester could lead to serious infection that could spread to other parts of your body.  Your dentist can evaluate your pain and determine its source.  Call now, don’t just wait for the pain to go away.

Your level of tooth sensitivity can change over time.  If you notice a difference have it checked out, it could be that you are grinding your teeth without even being aware of it which could cause the protective quality of your tooth enamel to weaken.

If you are experiencing discomfort or if you suspect a problem do not hesitate to call Stonegate Dental Care @ 720-851-7069.

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An Overtaxed Immune System Can Put You At Risk

Even if your regular dental checkups are good you have to continue to put in the time and effort that it takes to maintain your good oral health. You can’t double up on your routine habits just before your appointment, it has to be a constant discipline. Although you may be able to fool your dentist or hygienist for a while eventually the lack of dedication to a healthy routine of home care will begin to show up in your dental exams. And besides, you are really only hurting yourself.

If you don’t brush every day, twice a day and floss at least once you are inviting the harmful bacteria that thrives within your mouth to multiply. When your body senses infection your natural immune system will kick into high gear in an effort to fight it off. If the immune system is constantly at work its capabilities can weaken and leave you more susceptible to disease.

Gum disease starts with bacterial growth and if it is not treated at the earliest stage it can progress and lead to the loss of teeth and the deterioration of the jawbone structure. Regular dental exams and cleanings can prevent this from happening.

See your dentist at regular six month intervals and be diligent about sticking to a healthy diet and a regimen of good home care habits. Call Stonegate Dental Care today @ 720-851-7069 in Parker, CO.

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Patient Comfort Is An Important Concern

A dental appointment isn’t something to necessarily look forward to but it shouldn’t be something to dread either. Thanks to the technology and advancements in the practice of modern dentistry patients can expect to be pain free and comfortable during most any dental procedure. There are however, some people who suffer dental anxiety to the point of needing some kind of sedation therapy to calm their fears.

Nitrous oxide, aptly referred to as “laughing gas,” actually gives some patients the giggles along with a pleasurable feeling of euphoria. The gas combined with a certain amount of oxygen is breathed in through a mask placed over the patient’s nose and will start to take effect in about 5 minutes after inhaling. The dosage can be adjusted as needed throughout the treatment and the patient remains awake and fully able to communicate with the dentist.

Some people feel apprehension at the sound of the dental drill but with the convenience of the various listening devices available today they can bring their own tunes along to drown out any unpleasant noises.

Whatever the source of your anxiety there is more than likely a way to relieve it. The most important thing is that you be upfront with your dentist so that you can work together to make your experience more comfortable.

Patient comfort is a top priority at Stonegate Dental Care. Confer with Dr. Rentz about the possibilities of dental sedation. Call today @ 720-851-7069.

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Do You Need Extra Protection?

Pediatric dentists often recommend that their cavity prone patients – those between the ages of 6 and 14 – have sealants placed over their back teeth to keep harmful plaque and acids from getting in. Sealants aren’t just for kids any more, adults can also be at high risk for tooth decay.

The process of applying a dental sealant is quick and simple. The dentist will clean the surface and the grooves of the tooth as the first step in getting it ready to bond with the sealant. Next the “etching” gel will go on and sit for a few seconds then be rinsed away. The tooth will then be thoroughly dried with the dentist’s air gun. From this point on it is really important to keep the area dry. The patient will be encouraged to “open wide” throughout the rest of the procedure.

Now the dentist is ready to apply the liquid plastic sealant. He may paint it on with a brush or use a syringe to reach into every nook and cranny on the chewing surface of the tooth. Once the dentist is positive that it is properly dispersed he will use a blue light curing instrument to instantly set the sealant. The entire sealing process will take less than 10 minutes to complete after which the patient will be able to eat and drink as usual.

Dr. Rentz of Stonegate Dental Care can assess your needs and discuss an appropriate preventive treatment plan. Call Stonegate @ 720-851-7069.

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Have You Heard About CariVu?

Most dentists order a full set of x-rays at three year intervals, more often for patients who are cavity prone. Sometimes however, a patient refuses to agree to have the x-rays taken. When this happens it creates an awkward situation for both patient and hygienist. The hygienist is just trying to do her job as instructed but at the same time there are legitimate reasons for patient concern.

Research and development has improved radiology techniques to the extent that the dosage of radiation from a full set of dental x-rays is so low that the risk is barely of consequence. Digital radiology has reduced it even more. Hearing these facts may assure a patient that the benefits of x-ray technology far outweigh the risks and he will give the go ahead. Other patients may not be so easily convinced.

Having x-rays taken can be uncomfortable or even painful for patients who have a smaller mouth or protruding bones. In some cases the film holder can be adjusted to fit the patient’s mouth but if all else fails one panoramic picture is better than none at all.

These issues may no longer be relevant with the introduction of the Dexis CariVu device that is now being implemented by Dr. Rentz and his team at Stonegate Dental Care in Parker. Visit the website to learn more about Dexis CariVu then call 720-851-7069 for your appointment.

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Adopt A Plan For Oral Health Maintenance

Dental implants have become a popular choice for tooth replacement among the adult population. An implant is as close as it comes to having your natural tooth back and is an option for anyone with a strong enough bone structure and whose general health is good.

The titanium implant that serves as the root of the artificial tooth is surgically installed. The procedure will require a healing period during which time the implant will bond to the jawbone. The final step in the process will be to attach the permanent crown. After that and with proper care, the new tooth should last over time.

If you have lost a tooth to decay you may have neglected some of the basic steps to good oral health. Now is the time to change all that. The same habits that applied to the maintenance of your natural teeth are also appropriate to your implant. Brush gently twice a day and floss at least once for the best results.

See your dentist on a regular basis. Complications are unlikely but it is possible for an implant to come loose which could leave you vulnerable to infection. Six month checkups can insure that any issues will be detected right away.

If you are considering a single implant or if you need to replace more than one tooth consult with Dr. Rentz of Stonegate Dental Care. Call the office @ 720-851-7069 today.

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